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Making the Best of Your Day and Routine

First and foremost, I hope this post finds everyone in good health, both physically and mentally. This is a challenging time to be sure. In Central Oregon, we find ourselves in the middle of week 2 of social isolation, knowing that some of you are sheltering-in-place. I imagine most of us are settling into a routine of sorts but thought to gather and some thoughts from a couple of posts I’ve come across about making the best of your day and routine. 

 Heather Clawson of Habitually Chic, who has worked from home for the past ten years, wrote this post, My Advice for Working from Home. Lance Morrow wrote this thoughtful essay What to Do When You’re Sheltering in Place from The Wall Street Journal. Below is a compilation of the above to posts in addition to some of my own thoughts.

*Create a wake-up time

*Make your bed

*Create a schedule and stick to it. “It should include brain work, physical work and exercise,” recommends Morrow.

*If you have children, create a schedule with variety and frequent changes-of-pace, assign appropriate chores and limit screen time.

*Take a shower and get dressed in clean clothes and don’t spend the day in pajamas.

*Clawson recommends creating a designated place to work; however, I find for myself, I enjoy moving around the house for different types of work activities. (e.g., read in the chair with the reading lamp, typing at the desk, use the iPad on the couch for web-reading, writing bills at the kitchen counter.)

*Make and schedule time to exercise and move during the day. At the very least, stand up and move at least every 50 minutes.

*Limit distractions

*Take time for lunch

*Listen to music

*Clawson recommends trying not to do household tasks during the workday, whereas Morrow suggests, “Keep yourself clean and your home scrupulously clean. Cleaning is part of the daily schedule- vacuum, and dust and shine things up. Wash your clothes and if you have a yard, rake the leaves and the fallen leaves.”

*If you are in isolation, reach out and stay in touch via phone, e-mail, Skype, Facetime. If you are with family, Morrow recommends reading aloud to each other, digging into the classics.

*Set a quitting time

*Limit your exposure to news and broadcasts

*And probably most important of all, as Morrow suggests, “Have faith.” Pray, meditate, reflect, think good thoughts, for yourself, your family and for our world.

Stay tuned for a follow-up post with more ideas to fill-the-time.

Photos courtesy of Unsplash.  

1 comment

  • Excellent post. Thank you for your pointers to move forward during these difficult times.

    Erica Higlin

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